Monday, April 19, 2010

Crash Hot Potatoes and my two cents....

So, while looking through The Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen I came across this yummy looking recipe for Potatoes and thought hey, why not make those with some Bratwurst and Sauerkraut, right?!? So I did.

Here are the ingredients for the Crash Hot Potatoes. I used only 7 potatoes because I didn't want many leftovers. Also, I only had fresh Rosemary on hand:

I chopped up the Rosemary:
I bought a 5 pack of Bratwurst and rinsed them:
Poke 'em a few times with a knife or fork and pour over some beer. I know it seems like a waste, but it's worth it:
Let it marinate in the fridge for an hour or so and then you grill them:
For the potatoes, you first need to boil them:
And then you mash them on the oiled baking sheet. Note, that I would never have been able to fit more potatoes on there. I think they were too big:
Brush them with oil and season them and off to the oven they go!
The Sauerkraut is easy because it's pretty much done. All you need are a few slices of thick bacon, cut into cubes; a can of Sauerkraut and some Caraway Seeds and Marjoram (not pictured):
Heat the bacon until it's crisp:
Add the Sauerkraut and Spices and let it heat through and that's it:
Take the potatoes out of the oven:
Pretty, huh?
And plate it all up for a delicous and healthy(?) meal:

Oh, the Bratwurst is a little ugly because they "exploded" a little, but they were still very yummy.

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